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no barriers for wheelchair users

largely accessible

accessible under certain conditions

no barriers for wheelchair users

wheelchair accessible

limited access for wheelchair users

aids available for hearing-impaired persons

aids and signs available for partially sighted persons

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no barriers for wheelchair users  limited access for wheelchair users  
Am Wiesenhof 76a (Schwanheim)
Churches, Prayer Rooms
no barriers for wheelchair users  
Turmstraße 21 (Bornheim)
Churches, Prayer Rooms
no barriers for wheelchair users  
Westerwaldstraße 20 (Sossenheim)
Churches, Prayer Rooms
no barriers for wheelchair users  
An der Hauptwache 1 (Innenstadt)
Churches, Prayer Rooms
no barriers for wheelchair users  
Merianplatz 13 (Nordend)
Churches, Prayer Rooms
no barriers for wheelchair users  limited access for wheelchair users  
Alt-Eschersheim 22 (Eschersheim)
Churches, Prayer Rooms
no barriers for wheelchair users  
Thomas-Mann-Straße 10 (Niederursel)
Churches, Prayer Rooms
no barriers for wheelchair users  limited access for wheelchair users  
Riedbergallee 61 (Kalbach-Riedberg)
Churches, Prayer Rooms
no barriers for wheelchair users  limited access for wheelchair users  fahrstuhl
Cronstettenstraße 57-61 (Nordend)
Churches, Prayer Rooms
accessible under certain conditions  
Alt-Niederursel 30 (Niederursel)
Churches, Prayer Rooms

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